
Virtually all of us make resolutions for the coming year. In years past, I used to think about them and write them out, and within a few weeks, most of them had been “broken.” That is because once I didn’t exercise every day (a typical one), I didn’t “forgive” myself, considered it broken permanently, and that was the end.

But as I get older, I no longer agonize, and they don’t necessarily have to be starting January 1. They can be January 4, February 10, or June 10. And I no longer call them “resolutions” but “intentions.” And if I don’t exercise or don’t meditate for a few days, I pick up and do it later. I am kinder to myself.

There is no magic in a new year; it is whenever we decide to adjust or change our lifestyle, family, or whatever we choose. And, we need to constantly make changes because this is how we change and evolve.

I started (again) to meditate with the intention of doing it daily. So far, I have gotten up every morning at 6:40, (31 days and counting!), I drink a glass of water, open the side door, and breathe in the air. Then I go downstairs to my office, light a candle, and sit on a mat. I don’t look at my phone until after I have meditated. So many people tell me, “I can’t meditate; I don’t do it right,” but I am not sure there is a right or wrong way. I am happy if I can sit for 10-15 minutes and focus on my breathing (even with extraneous thoughts coming through). And every day, it gets a little better.

My other intention for this year is to do some form of exercise daily. It is not a choice; our bodies need it. Don’t start off to run a marathon, and after three days of “training,” quit because you pulled a muscle. Start slowly and build up gradually. Your body will thank you. I heard a commercial years ago that if we took as much care of our bodies as we do our cars, they would last much longer and not give us as much trouble!

And if I don’t go to the gym or take a walk outside, I make a point of getting up every 1-2 hours, walking around the house, and doing some steps.

Another intention is to be a more admirable human being, smile at strangers, and do one good deed daily. It makes me a happier person.

What are your intentions/resolutions?

Myra Katz