External Resources

Gilchrist Ambassadors Educate People about Death, Dying and Planning for the End of Life

I’m a Gilchrist Ambassador, and I am so honored and privileged to be a part of this incredible group of people who educate and spread the word about hospice and other end-of-life topics.

What Is an Ambassador?

An ambassador is a volunteer for Gilchrist who talks to audiences at community centers, senior centers, and other local organizations about what is arguably one of the most important conversations a person can have.

Why Plan for the End of Life?

To read more, visit the link below:


An Overview of the Profession of Patient Advocacy

The healthcare system has changed to the point where it is no longer recognizable. As patients become more fearful they aren’t getting the care they need, or are being asked to pay more than they can afford, they and their caregivers are increasingly reaching out to private, independent patient advocates for support. To read more, visit the link below.


Verywell Health

Verywell Health is an award-winning online resource for reliable, understandable, and up-to-date health information on the medical topics that matter most. Taking a human approach to health and wellness content—a welcome alternative to hyper-clinical health sites. To read more from verywell, visit the link below.


Why It's Wise to Use a Health Advocate

A health advocate is a family member, friend, trusted coworker, or a hired professional who can ask questions, write down information, and speak up for you so you can better understand your illness and get the care and resources you need. To view additional resources about the benefits of a health advocate, visit the link below.


Prescription Cards

I have written previously on how to save money on prescription drugs. Many people have insurance, but it can be less costly at times to do legwork and use other plans. Many pharmacies have their own plans, and the costs may vary. Just ask. One of the benefits of using one of the other plans, (through a pharmacy, Good Rx etc.), is that it doesn’t go through your insurance, and if you have Medicare, you may choose not to use your insurance as it will hasten the time toward the "donut hole."

However, be careful! If you use different pharmacies, be sure to do the research (or ask your advocate) about drug interactions. Even with Good Rx, the prices vary, and can change daily. My inhaler was $190 at Costco and $49 at CVS.

If you have questions about drug interactions or how to navigate through the options, email me at myra@katzadvocate.com or call: 410-978-3763 Click the link below to learn more:
